Look at this lil' punkin! She's adorable, no? If you look at the right corner of the picture you can see the doting Grandpa looking on. Having a Granddaughter is even more amazing than I thought it would be. She comes in the room and both DH & I turn into goofy acting loons. Anything to make her smile at us. DH lets her grab his mustache and yank and thinks it's adorable. It's also amazing to see my son, who is a relatively young daddy, become such a responsible, nurturing papa. He is a modern daddy, just as capable for his daughter's care as her mother is, and her mother is very capable. I'm so proud of both my son and his wife - they're making a great family together.
I love a good blog and this one is adorable-----
http://myhouseiscuterthanyours.blogspot.com/check it out.