Time flies when you're hungry. I've lost 8 pounds since I last posted. I'm trying not to think of this as a diet, because I'm starting to come to the realization that I'm going to have to limit what I eat
for the rest of my life if I want to be a normal weight. Especially since I'm such a slug when it comes to exercise. This is what I've been eating.... Breakfast, usually cereal or an english muffin & piece of fruit, sometimes cottage cheese & fruit. Lunch, a Lean Cuisine meal and veggie or fruit. Dinner, usually chicken or fish, occasionally lean beef, lots of veggies, sometimes FF pudding or SF jello, or a Skinny Cow ice cream sandwich for dessert. I'm feeling better already, just being in control of my eating really helps my overall mental state.
OK. enough of that talk.
No gardening going on. I should be out cleaning up beds before the rainy weather starts, but I just can't seem to get too motivated when I don't even know if we're going to be living here next spring. I'll find out on November 7th, election day, if our property has been annexed into the city as a new subdivision. Until then, we're in limbo. The one and only property on the market that we were interested in sold, so even if we knew we had to move today, we have no idea where we'd move to. We need someplace with lots of vehicle storage, since Rick likes to collect cars, and tractors, and a boat, etc. The pictures above are just a few of his toys. Actually, the red Impala is mine - he bought it for me - and I didn't even know I wanted it.