I'd like to introduce you to my golden retriever, Lucas. Goldens are supposed to be easy going laid back dogs, but he can be a wreck at times. He has a wee case of the separation anxiety and does stuff like eat his dog bed, or chew on his tail. It's not that he's all alone, because we have another dog, but he just has a high strung nature. Strung tight. Last month we left him in the house for about 30 minutes while we were gone and when I came back it looked like my bedroom was a crime scene. He'd chewed his tail until it bled, then proceeded to wag it all over my carpet.... and I still love the mutt. I mean look at that face, who couldn't?
Aww, he's so sweet. I think some dogs are just hight strung like that. Is he still young? Maybe he'll calm down in time.
I don't think we have a prayer, Christina, he's 11 years old, and that breed usually only lives to be around 12.
Oh well. :-) He's still adorable. My mother used to have a cocker spaniel that would tear up the curtains every time she went out.
Welcome to the blogneighbourhood!
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